About the UN Country Team in Samoa

The UN Multi-Country Office in Samoa serves the Cook Islands, Niue, Samoa, and Tokelau.

Led by the Resident Coordinator, it convenes and coordinates over15 UN agencies that form the UN Country Team Samoa working collaboratively on joint development programmes aligned to complement and support national development priorities of the Cook Islands, Niue, Samoa, and Tokelau.

The UNCT Samoa within the past five years (2018-2022) delivered integrated, country-needs-based development support and interventions around six thematic areas - i.e., Climate Change; Disaster Resilience and Environment Protection; Gender Equality; Sustainable and Inclusive Economic Empowerment; Equitable Basic Services; Governance and Community Engagement; and Human Rights.

From 2023 to 2027, the UNCT Samoa development support will be guided by the newly endorsed UN Sustainable Development Cooperation Framework, outlining the vision, actions, and resources of the UNCT Samoa to contribute to a sustainable planet, where all the people of these four island states thrive prosperously and living in peace.

The implementation of UN programmes is led by government ministries; in partnership with international and regional organizations, the private sector, non-governmental organizations, civil society organizations, faith-based organizations, and the media.

Visit and learn more about our four countries.

Cook Islands




lay in the market
Photo: © World Food Programme




The Sustainable Development Goals in Cook Islands, Niue, Samoa and Tokelau

The Sustainable Development Goals are a global call to action to end poverty, protect the earth’s environment and climate, and ensure that people everywhere can enjoy peace and prosperity. These are the goals the UN is working on in Samoa: