CEO of Health said the work of the vaccination teams out in the field went smoothly because of the village leaders
Chief Executive Officer of the Ministry of Health Leausa Dr Take Naseri at the close of the first day of the Samoa COVID 19 Mass Vaccination Campaign particularly commended the support from the village leaders in ensuring smooth operations of the process out in the field.
"By the time the teams arrive in the villages, the eligible residents that did not receive their first dose and those who were due for their second dose of the vaccine were ready and waiting", he added.
"To conduct a door to door vaccination campaign in over fifty villages is not easy as the Teams are not very familiar with the village settings, but we had the village mayors (pulenuu) or the women's representative who did a great job in coordinating their villages either in a central location or leads them to the homes of those who were more comfortable to receive the vaccine in their homes."
Caption: The United Nations through WHO and UNICEF has been working closely with the Ministry of Health through this campaign. Dr. Baoping of WHO and Dr. Leausa of the MOH
Matauaina Togamau is the representative for women, that played a huge role in the vaccination process for her village of Salelesi. Salelesi has a little over 300 residents and is located about 16km east of Apia, the capital city of Samoa. Matauaina is in her mid-30's, a very active and committed woman, that represents all the women of her village in the village governance system under the Ministry of Women Community and Social Development.
"When the Ministry of Women called to inform me about the vaccination campaign and what I needed to do, I didn't wait anymore,", she said.
"I walked from one house to another." "Some of the residents were grateful for this opportunity, some were hesitant."
Salelesi was one of the villages that eventually had to organise a fixed site for the vaccination. "We thought it might be more convenient for the vaccination teams to station in our village meeting house and the residents make their way there."
Peseta Silia Ah Leong as the Chairwoman of the Leauvaa Tai Catholic Women's Committee also had to ensure that the residents of Leuauvaa village were well coordinated to benefit from this campaign.
Peseta is the wife of the district’s Member of Parliament and former Cabinet Minister Hon Sala Fata Pinati and when she was contacted by the Ministry of Health, she called on the Leauvaa Tai Catholic Women Committee to come early in the morning to set up the station for the vaccination.
"Leauvaa is a big village she said, and the list from MOH indicated that there are about 700 people from our village that needs to be vaccinated. If the teams go around the village, door to door, I think they will need three days,"
Peseta added that the role of the village leaders to ensure the success of any government activity at the community level is crucial, but we need to consult properly. "It is very important that they inform us about their plans and then us as leaders in the village can advise them that this is how it works for the people and then we can work together."
Caption: Dr. Baoping Yang (WHO), Peseta Silia Ah Leong and Lemalu Sina Retzlaff of the Samoa GlobalNews
In the village of Vaimoso, the village mayor mobilised the untitled men to accompany the vaccination teams to every home that needed the vaccine. Vaimoso is situated on the north-central side of the island near the country's capital Apia and has a little over 2000 residents.
Caption: Vaimoso village mayor, chiefs and untitled men ready to assist the Vaccination Team.
The COVID 19 Mass Vaccination Campaign brought Samoa to a close for two days. The Ministry of Health Samoa and the National Emergency Operations Centre (NEOC) mobilised 64 teams for Upolu only to bring the COVID 19 AztraZeneca vaccine to the homes of all those who are eligible to get the vaccine. The Teams include vaccinators(nurses), data collectors, CEOs and police officers.
At the close of Day One, the campaign has vaccinated a total of 7114 people. About 4705 were vaccinated for their first dose and 2409 received their second dose.
The Campaign concludes on Friday 24th September 2021.
Caption: Two of the vaccinators, sorting out the folders for data collection before the day started.