12 Weeks #ChooseToChallenge for women health and well being is more than just fitness and healthy food choices.
Pregnancy is such a tender and fragile process that women must take extra caution to be very safe throughout nine months. That is why a pregnant woman doing physical exercise in a fitness gymnasium is definitely a ‘no-no’ in our traditional society, where pregnant women are told ‘not lift heavy objects, not to run or do any form of straining physical work.’
But for Clarissa, a 30-year-old mother of three overcame the pregnancy myths and signed up for the 12 weeks #ChooseToChallenge fitness programme when she was in the second trimester of pregnancy with her third child.
“I needed to stay active through exercise during the remainder of my pregnancy to assist with recovery after giving birth.” “I was not doing any strenuous exercises, the Trainers designed light and the right exercises for me to ensure that I maintain stamina and to keep my muscles strong and flexible.”
Caption: Clarissa (in fluorescent green singlet - end right) during one of the training sessions with women of the 12 Weeks # ChooseToChallenge for Women Health and Well Being.
“The Challenge was not only helping me physically but also mentally.” The challenge also created a strong support system for the women that were part of it. "For a pregnant woman, being around positive-minded ladies, listening, understanding and supporting each other helped me to be so much stronger, mentally. “
For Clarissa, she didn’t see the challenge as a weight loss programme, but as a behavioural change intervention, and it actually transformed her approach to life being a full-time working mother of 3 children all under the age of five. The Challenge made her realized that exercise and the right food helps women to undergo a strong and healthy pregnancy and smooth recovery after delivery.
Being heavily pregnant and caring also for younger children when she started the Challenge, she became more productive and organized with how she uses her time each day. The Challenge also made her more conscious of her food. Pregnancy does trigger unusual cravings and appetites that if not well controlled can result in risky health conditions. For Clarissa, she needed to be very careful of her food choices as she was pregnant and being part of this Challenge gave her strength and control to stay with healthy eating.
It has been 5 weeks since Clarissa gave birth to a beautiful and healthy daughter with no complications.
She looks forward to going back to exercising after her 6 weeks postpartum assessment. “I am recovering smoothly and I feel more in tune with my body and pay close attention to triggers of stress that affect my overall well-being.” “Self-care is so important where exercise definitely does it for me. There is no going back for me. As a mother with young children, I need to be healthy and fit so I can take better care of my family.”
Clarissa is one of the 60 women that signed up for the UN and MY Fits Samoa 12 Weeks #ChooseToChallenge for Women Health & Well Being. This initiative is to remind all women especially mothers of the important role they carry and play every day in shaping positive attitudes towards health and raising strong, healthy families.
About the 12 Weeks Challege: The 12 Weeks #ChooseToChallenge for Women Health & Well Being is part of the UN SDG Advocacy Movement to spur national interests, commitment and actions towards the achievement of the 2030 Agenda and the 17 Sustainable Development Goals, within this Decade of Action. The Activity is composed to achieve the following Sustainable Development Goals;
SDG 2: Zero Hunger through the work of the FAO on food and nutrition
SDG 3: Good Health and Well Being, through the work of UNFPA on the sexual reproductive health of women
SDG 4: Gender Equality through the work of the UNDP under the Women in Leadership
SDG 17: Partnerships for the Goals through the work of the UN in partnership with the private sector.
The 12 Weeks #ChooseToChallenge for Women Health &Well Being is an initiative that aims to undo unhealthy habits and to create a sense of self-care and self-love for everyone to embrace a healthier and active lifestyle. The Challenge was launched in commemoration of International Women's Day and will complete its 12 weeks by the end of June 2021.
The 12 Weeks Challenge is an initiative led by the UN Resident Coordinators Office with the support of the FAO, UNDP and UNFPA in close partnership with the MY Fit Samoa.