NRG advises, advocates and monitors the progress of the programme implementation.
Behind the UN agencies that are implementing the Spotlight Initiative, is the National Reference Group that keeps a close eye to ensure that the programme delivers its promise to end violence against women and girls in Samoa.
It's a vibrant group of unique personalities, diverse professional capacities grounded in cultural and religious principles, who are now connected in the service to end violence against women and girls.
This Group convenes once every quarter. It is an activity indicated in their Work Plan. It's an opportunity to sit down with the UN agencies to understand how the programme is progressing. It's an essential platform that allows the NRG to be the voice of the civil societies that advises the UN on the missing links and the opportunities to advance the programme.
During the NRG meeting for the third quarter, the co-chairmanship was handed over to Mailo Helen Tanielu (Researchers and Academics) and Gabrielle Apelu (Women in Sports and Media) from Dr Walter Vermeulen (Men and Boys) and Lemau Palaamo (Faith-Based Organisations), who led the NRG since August last year.
The NRG at the close of this meeting has reassured the UN of their support to continue to advocate for the changes that the programme aims to achieve. They are committed to mobilising the engagement of the civil societies to initiate and lead prevention interventions and mechanisms that are vital in the process of re-creating safe and violence-free communities for every woman and girl.
Caption: The NRG with representatives of the UN agencies and special guest including District Court Judge Leota Ray Schuster and representatives of Village Safety Committees.