It is important that the UN support is effective and relevant to address development challenges of its member states.
Shortage of manpower across sector; uncoordinated donor/partner engagement; growth model may not prioritize investments in key socio- economic enablers (critical infrastructures including terrestrial/roads, maritime, ICT, water etc.) are some of the key development challenges that emerged from the 3 day consultations on the review of the UN joint support towards the development priorities of Niue.
Implementation partners of the UN agencies including UNDP UNESCO WHO FAO UNICEF UNFPA participated at the national consultation from August 27 to the 29, to review the progress on the implementation of the UN support, discuss the challenges and way forward.
Following interactive dialogues with the government agencies, private sector and village representatives, major challenges as well as recommendations were identified.
The UN is proposing recommendations to address these challenges; Redesigned governance processes to optimally use existing capacities & improve quality of services while nurturing human capital further ; joint Action Plan/Country Framework within the context of the UN Reform, National UN-Gov of Niue Steering Committee and support to POST to enable harmonization of donor engagement; foresight planning to 2026/ 2030/ 2040 setting targets and assessing necessary annual investments to improve critical infrastructures and enhance positive externality across the economy (tourism, environmental sustainability, human development).
At the end of the consultations it is expected that Niue and the UN will develop a UNPS Country framework for a more focused implementation and monitoring of UN support for Niue.
The feedback of the Niue government, private sector and village councils towards these recommendations is crucial, as the UN intends to design a responsive framework of support that reflects national ownership and meaningful for the people of Niue.
In 2017 the United Nations in the Pacific launched its United Nations Pacific Strategy (UNPS) 2018-2022; a five year strategic framework that outlines collective response of the UN system to the development priorities of the 14 Pacific islands countries that it serves.
Under the UNPS 2018-2022, the UN has invested over USD 5 million to support Niue development priorities in the areas of Finance and Economic Development; Environment and Climate Change; Governance ; Social Services; Private Sector; Taoga Niue.