The presence and engagement of the UN with Samoa have expanded over five decades. Samoa is home to 12 organisations of the ‘UN family’.
74 years of the United Nations was celebrated in a brief, modest but significant ceremony in Samoa.
Delivering the keynote address to an audience that included the diplomatic corp, government ministries, UN agencies and representatives of the Pacific Forum on Sustainable Development & Voluntary National Review Capacity Building Workshop for Pacific SIDS held in Samoa this week, the country's Prime Minister Honorable Tuilaepa Sailele Malielegaoi mentioned their view and expectations of the UN support to the countries they serve.
"At the country level, we are looking at the UN to deliver a more efficient and coherent approach to support us in achieving the SDG's. While the focus is on making sure that the UN agencies collectively help countries deliver on their highest priorities to achieve the SDG's, they must also ensure that countries are engaged in a meaningful and constructive way."
He added that the proposal is simple, the countries need to identify their specific needs and then, the UN Resident Coordinator system to identify which UN agency is best placed to address these needs in collaboration with the countries.
Caption: Hon. Tuilaepa Sailele Malielegaoi delivering the keynote address at the UN Day 2019 event.
The presence and engagement of the UN with Samoa has expanded over five decades.
Samoa is home to 12 organizations of the ‘UN family’ based in Samoa, each with different mandates, diverse legislative, governing bodies and historical roots. These organizations form the UN Country Team consisting of Specialized Agencies (FAO,LO, UNESCO, WHO, WMO); Funds and Programmes (UNDP, UNCDF, UNEP, UNICEF, UNFPA); and Other Entities (UN Women, UNCTAD). The Samoa based UN organisations serve over 14 countries in the Pacific region.
The UN Country in Samoa is led by the UN Resident Coordinator, Simona Marinescu who also spoke at the event on behalf of the UN.
"Over seven decades in its existence, the United Nations, an organization that emerged from war and devastation continues to uphold its values and its purpose to give humanity hope that there will be a future for our planet and that the new generations will live in a peaceful and prosperous world. We do appreciate the unconditional commitment to our values that Samoa has constantly displayed and thank you, Prime Minister Malielegaoi, and, through you, the nation of Samoa for being such a great ally and partner of the UN and such a hospitable nation for our large UN family here.
She added that "while we celebrate success stories of development cooperation, we also know that problems have no borders, no geography or race. Countries whether small, wealthy or powerful, continue to face a wide range of growing challenges in response to which solidarity and continued dialogue represent the only way forward."
"Climate change, inequality, injustice and poverty, discrimination and exclusion, and the rapidly depleting resources of our beautiful planet are critically threatening the stability of the global system, the United Nations again being on the front line of action and response."
"In the Pacific, fragility and vulnerability make our joint efforts to address and mitigate risks much more complicated and costly, but we are encouraged by the strong regional solidarity, the quality of the leadership governing the Pacific nations and the progressive nature of all Government’s engagement with the United Nations. Ultimately, multi-stakeholder partnerships, access to knowledge and technology can overcome remoteness and the economic limitations that are common to Small Island States and the United Nations has put at the heart of its reform better serving these most challenged nations in the years to come within the framework of the SAMOA Pathway and the 2030 Agenda. "
"Over seven decades after, the world still needs the United Nations."
This year's celebration also highlights the UN 75 campaign on the "The Future we want, The UN we need"
"Our organization will be 75 years in 2020. At 75 years, the UN will take a new turn in its journey."
"It will be more engaged with the people, listen to the people and dialogue with them as their perceptions, experiences and ideas on how to solve these problems, together as one world, are essential to an organization that was established to serve all nations."
In closing her remarks Ms. Marinescu once again acknowledged the Government, the people of Samoa and the UN agencies for their resolute support.
"Allow me to acknowledge once again with great appreciation our host country that 12 UN agencies and the Resident Coordinator have been calling home for decades. Can I also thank my UN colleagues and fellows who are here in the room or are traveling across the region and the world for their dedicated work to the betterment of the Pacific people and of all the people on the planet."
"We are humbled by the mission we are given to change lives and are guided by the sacrifice of our fallen colleagues, far too many, who taught us that peace is everyone’s responsibility and that the United Nations and its role in the world is a bigger cause than each and every one of us serving under its flag."
"May this Day every year find the people of Samoa and the people everywhere healthier, happier and united."
Caption: Resident Coordinator Simona Marinescu delivering her remarks at the UN Day event.