The Appeal today calls for solidarity with the nation of Samoa in its effort to address some of its short- and medium -term needs as identified by the designate
Honorable Prime Minister Tuilaepa Dr. Sailele Malielegaoi,
Honorable Deputy Prime Minister Fiame Naomi Mataafa,
Honorable Members of the Cabinet,
Excellencies Members of the Diplomatic Corps,
Dear United Nations Colleagues, Representatives of the Media,
Ladies and Gentlemen,
For longer than a month, we have been together on the front line of the response to one of the greatest challenges that this country experienced in its recent history. The measles epidemic in Samoa has called on all of us to join efforts and address the outbreak’s immediate impact on vulnerable populations- babies, young children and pregnant women being the most affected.
In its fight with the epidemic, Samoa is not alone.
Over the last two years, humanity has seen a global resurgence of measles cases affecting all regions of the world. Measles caused in 2018 close to 142,000 deaths, significantly down from the 1,000,000 deaths in 1985 and from 500,000 deaths in 1996, but still a very high number.
In 2018, in Europe, including in some of the developed countries, measles affected more than 60,000 individuals - two times the number of cases of 2017 and the highest since the beginning of the 21st century, 72 deaths being registered during the year.
In the global immunization surveys, coverage for the second dose of measles-containing vaccine (MCV2) was 69%, with significant variability between regions.
Skepticism regarding the safety of the vaccine and the expanding atmosphere of doubt around vaccination even in most advanced countries are among the underlying causes of the dramatic expansion of the disease. Poverty and all forms of exclusion remain though the most immediate causes of limited access to healthcare services and proper treatment, to education and to decent living.
From research to procurement of vaccines and medical supply, strengthened national capacities in relevant sectors and full development of social protection systems, the United Nations through WHO, UNICEF, UNFPA, UNDP and others remain committed partners of all governments in their efforts to end vulnerability and leave no one behind.
Last week the Government of Samoa mandated the United Nations to assist the development of a national appeal in response to the rapidly spreading epidemic. Additionally, the Government requested the United Nations to draw on its Central Emergency Response Fund (CERF) and mobilize resources for lifesaving activities so much needed across the country.
On 29 November, in less than 24 hours from the submission of the CERF application, the Emergency Relief Coordinator approved the allocation of 1.5 mill USD for Samoa for WHO, UNICEF, UNFPA and UNDP to effectively joint the Government and its partners in the response to the outbreak.
Another allocation of 1.2 mill USD was made for an early response measles across the Pacific. These funds have been made available for the ongoing efforts of the Mass Vaccination campaign and beyond.
With the assistance of the United Nations Office for The Coordination of Humanitarian Affairs (our OCHA Colleagues) and under the guidance of the Ministry of Foreign Affairs and Trade, the National Appeal of Samoa is now ready for its international launch.
The United Nations joins you, Hon. Prime Minister, in appealing to the international community for support to the Government of Samoa and its national partners in ending the epidemic and addressing the systemic vulnerabilities that the measles outbreak has revealed.
The Appeal today calls for solidarity with the nation of Samoa in its effort to address some of its short- and medium -term needs as identified by the designated ministries including the Ministry of Health, the Ministry of Women, Community and Social Development, Ministry of Education, Sports and Culture, Ministry of Foreign Affairs and Trade, Ministry of Finance, Ministry of Communications and Information Technology and the Samoa Bureau of Statistics.
Among the most pressing needs:
Short term
- Training for health care workers to update their knowledge and skills in the area of effective vaccine management, proper immunization techniques, injection safety, proper recording and reporting
- Support to enhance supervision capacity on the ongoing campaign and routine vaccination to ensure the quality of services
- Relevant immunization supplies including cold boxes, vaccine carriers, etc.
- Community awareness through mass media campaigns and interpersonal communication through community networks to increase measles vaccination coverage among the most vulnerable target groups of under five children.
- Training on interpersonal communication skill to health workers when interacting with caregivers, families and communities.
Medium term
- Strengthen the routine immunization to increase the coverage to more than 95% to generate herd immunity among population as a measure to prevent any future outbreak from any vaccine preventable diseases.
- Improve the capacity on immunization data recording and reporting system as well as analysis and use of data for local planning to improve immunization coverage, assess risks and prevent epidemics.
- Support social mobilization activities in Samoa to increase immunization coverage rates inclusive of measles as well as routine immunization in the country.
- Expand access to reproductive health services for women of reproductive age without measles who are denied access to care and face increasing potential risks of morbidity and mortality.
The financial means to address those needs have been estimated to amount to USD 10.7 million. These are funds that will keep safe over 110,000 vulnerable people in Samoa today – the young population of this country and the women of reproductive age. This category of the population grows very fast. The interventions that the Appeal aims to fund today will protect lives of many more people in the future in this country.
The United Nations stands with you, the nation of Samoa, in the mobilization of resources and in the pursuit of the changes that the Appeal along with all national efforts aim to enable.
While we are focusing our attention to what is to come in response to this crisis, we should not forget to express gratitude to all those who have been on the barricades from the very first day since the State of Emergency was declared.
Partner Governments – Australia, New Zealand, The United States and the State of Hawaii, The United Kingdom, Norway, China, Japan, French Polynesia - civil society organizations, medical professionals, United Nations agencies, Thank You for championing the response everywhere in the country, night and day, without rest and without losing hope that the suffering for so many families will soon end.
Special thanks to my colleagues, Dr. Rasul Baghirov- Head of WHO in Samoa, Sheldon Yett- Head of UNICEF Pacific, Bruce Campbell- UNFPA Pacific, Jorn Sorensen - UNDP Resident Representative, Anne Colquhoun- Head of OCHA Pacific, Sandra Bernklau - UN Women and their teams for outstanding mobilization of all efforts in this crisis.
We, today, Appeal together for solidarity and cooperation, two core values of the United Nations and prerequisites for unity and peace. The world has seen the unfolding of the outbreak, understood its complexity and expressed its concerns. We are confident that many more nations will join the Appeal and provide support to the Government of Samoa at this critical time in the life of so many families.
May the spirit of unity that has been at the heart of this response help the nation of Samoa win this battle with the epidemic, bring back to their families the babies still fighting for their lives and offer support and comfort to the parents who have lost their dear ones.
May we all remain united in the face of adversity and loss.