“We live so far away from town, thank you for thinking of us … now I know, there is help.”
COVID-19 has had severe consequences for women and girls experiencing gender-based violence around the world and in Samoa. It is therefore essential to provide women and girls with accurate information on COVID-19 prevention, assist with access to available services to support GBV victims, as well as the provision of dignity support materials.
Led by the Ministry of Women, Community and Social Development (MWCSD), with support from UN Women through the Spotlight Initiative’s Samoa Country Programme, a community engagement drive was mobilized to educate women and girls. The engagement focused on those who live in rural areas, are heads of households, or are experiencing inequalities by providing information on ‘what to do’ and ‘where to go for help’ in domestic and intimate partner violence situations. Equally important, the drive aimed to motivate a ‘whole of community’ commitment to end violence against women and girls.
Posters, children’s games, pamphlets and a small booklet in Samoan were provided to women, girls and their communities to help raise awareness of GBV. Helpline numbers from Samoa’s GBV frontline service providers, including how to access psychosocial support, were distributed as well as highlighting key information on the impact on women and girls in times of COVID-19.
Caption: The most furthest to reach families received factsheets on information about the COVID-19 and GBV prevention.
Apart from the information and knowledge sharing, women and girls were also provided with a Prevention Pack consisting of hygiene products, menstrual hygiene materials and a bucket to address water storage challenges and water insecurity. The Prevention Pack recognises the realities of vulnerable communities drawing on the MWCSD’s vulnerability criteria with a particular focus on women and girls in rural areas and women with disabilities.
Four hundred women and girls in Savai’i were reached through this initiative. Six teams of staff of the Ministry of Women, Community and Social Development, worked on the island of Savai’i from the 31st August to the 9th September 2020, guided by village women representatives to distribute the Prevention Packs and raise awareness in communities of the importance of ending violence against women and girls. The teams prioritized engaging and supporting the most vulnerable and families that have limited access to additional support.
MWCSD Associate Minister Salausa Dr. John Ah Ching stressed the importance of an in-depth vulnerability assessment that utilizes the local knowledge and expertise of village women representatives to identify and support difficult to reach and isolated families. The Minister the importance of taking “sufficient time to thoroughly demonstrate the accurate use of the hygiene products and explain in detail the knowledge products so our vulnerable women and girls are aware of the support that is available and how to access essential services for ending violence.”
In one of the villages, a 25-year-old single mother was emotional and said, “we live so far away from town, thank you for thinking of us … now I know, there is help.”
This community engagement has been a COVID-19 response priority for the Ministry in both Upolu and Savai’i to provide support for already vulnerable families adapting to the social and economic impacts of the COVID-19 pandemic and the high levels of violence against women and girls.
This is also a priority for the Spotlight Initiative to respond to all forms of violence against women and girls focusing on domestic and family violence, sexual and gender-based violence and harmful practices especially in times of crisis where women and girls face disproportionate impacts with far reaching consequences.
The UN, donors and partners in the Spotlight commend the work of the government in implementing this initiative and will continue to work with communities to ensure that women and girls live lives free from violence.
UN entities involved in this initiative
UN Women
United Nations Entity for Gender Equality and the Empowerment of Women
United Nations Development Programme
United Nations Educational, Scientific and Cultural Organization