United Nations Pacific Strategy 2018 - 2022

The United Nations Pacific Strategy 2018 - 2022 (UNPS 2018 -2022), which unifies the UN system in the Pacific including the UN organizations based in Samoa, to deliver integrated, country needs based support and interventions around six thematic areas of development categorized into; I- Climate Change, Disaster Resilience and Environment Protection; ii - Gender Equality; iii-Sustainable and Inclusive Economic Empowerment; iv- Equitable Basic Services; v -Governance and Community Engagement and, vi - Human rights.
The UNPS embodies a people centered, human right based approach to development; that seeks to ‘reach the furthest behind first’ and to ‘leave no one behind. It is aligned with each country’s national development priorities and it supports the S.A.M.O.A Pathway and regional priorities within the Framework for Pacific Regionalism.
Over US $300 million has been invested by the UN to deliver on the expectations of the six thematic areas.