Vai o le Ola

“Vai o le Ola” is a Samoan expression that means “water of life.” Recognising the vitality of this natural resource for the survival of humanity and all species on earth, Vai o le Ola was selected through a consultative process as a unifying theme for Samoa’s response plan to the triple planetary crisis of climate change, biodiversity and nature loss, and pollution and waste. As a central component of the nature continuum, water sustains life in all forms and connects people everywhere. The integrity and the resilience of the water system against climate and human induced threats are prerequisites for sustainable development and a thematic area of growing importance in global governance.
Cover photograph by Adam Vilkus: Fishing off the coast of Saanapu for palolo, a rare delicacy that spawns seven days after the new moon in October and November of each year.
Passages from the origin story of Samoa and Manu‘a and the proverbs featured in this document were researched by Galumalemana Steven Percival who also reviewed translations into English.
Unless otherwise attributed, all photographs were taken by Galumalemana Steve Percival.